Terrain Trails is your complete mountain bike and walking trail solution. Whether it is concept development, planning, or construction, we possess the skills and abilities to bring your project to life. From Concept to opening day we can plan, connect, oversee and build the trails that will keep your users coming back.
We are committed to a minimal environmental impact approach to trail construction, working closely with the relevant Government agencies and land managers to minimise impact to native flora and fauna and cultural heritage values.

From a single trail project to a trail destination, we capitalise on our passion and experience to maximise every opportunity and deliver the very best outcomes. Situation analysis, field work, GPS data collection and stakeholder consultation are just some of the key processes that ensure a robust planning process is achieved. Understanding the target market and desired user experience is critical in planning for desired outcomes. A thorough and comprehensive planning process is essential if funding is being sought for the delivery of a project.
Through thorough planning processes including ecological studies, Cultural Heritage Management Plans and impact assessments, we aim to conceptualize and build sustainable trails that have minimal impact on the surrounding environment.
Construction of a trail within an approved corridor is an organic and highly creative process. Striking the balance of challenge, excitement, safety and sustainability whilst staying within the intended trail grade criteria can be a challenging and demanding task.
A dynamic and engaging trail experience can be achieved in a sustainable and environmentally respectful way. The use of industry leading sustainable trail building best practice is in the interest of the environment, and the community groups often charged with trail maintenance. A well constructed trail will reduce the life cycle maintenance burden on an often volunteer workforce long after the construction crews are gone.