Sustainable, innovative & complete trail solutions.


We offer our wide skillset wherever it is needed. Our experience is rooted in years of study and practical implementations of what we practice. Our focus is to bring the best in every service and detail from start to finish.  Every service we undertake is completed with our high professional standards.


Our professional, friendly and collaborative approach to stakeholder and community consultation provides an early understanding of opportunities and challenges that will inform the planning process.

GPS Mapping

Using GPS mapping technology ensures our trail alignments are accurate with individual trail data prior to ground truthing and after any ground truthing realignment.

Research and planning

Each environment and community is unique and our research and planning reflects that.  Using a wide range of  data we ensure that all aspects are taken care of well in advance.

Environmental impact

We are committed to a minimal environmental impact approach to trail construction, making sure that the surrounding areas are able to be used by everyone for generations to come.

Cultural Heritage

We work closely with experts to assess and identify heritage values and assets resulting in their protection through a Cultural heritage Management Plan.


Getting the word out that your trail network exists can be difficult but we can offer solutions that will bring people to your trail, again and again.


We build to maximise the user experience with care for the environment. We Use sustainable trail building industry best practice and the appropriate company owned machinery and equipment.


Educating and training locals on sustainable trail practices is a way to keep the community involved, the trails ridden for years to come and an environment that will be minimally disturbed.


All trails are built to IMBA standards but with Terrain Trails signature design. This guarantees an exhilarating ride for any rider you need to cater to. From beginner to world class courses, whether that be recreational, cross country, enduro or downhill. Our in depth study of the land also focuses on minimising impact while also highlighting surrounding features to make sure your eyes aren’t squarely focused on the trails.


We are committed to a minimal environmental impact approach to trail construction, working closely with the relevant Government bodies and land managers to protect local flora and fauna as well as areas of cultural heritage. Whether it is for ground disturbance or closed trail rehabilitation we have extensive experience with native revegetation planting.


Critical to the success of any project is landowner and community support. A thorough community and stakeholder consultation process provides an early understanding of opportunities and challenges that will shape the development of the planning process. Our professional, friendly and collaborative approach will foster inclusiveness and ownership of a project, ensuring the best chance of success.

Building sustainable trails and opportunities